HomeScroll of Remembrance

Scroll of Remembrance

The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year

George Henry Burley RGLI,Charles Robins RGLI,

"Elliot" King 2 para

£200 donation in the memory of Mr Ian Walker


Aaron James Mcclure

AB1 Paul Oakley RN

Adam Coates, Chas Mooney, Steve tanner.


Al King

Alan Barnes, Colin Barnes

Alan Young, Jim Darrah

Albert Froud

Albert Froud

Albert Reid

Alfred Read

Alice Burgess

All family who served and supported. Anton Verschoot:; AB(R) D184194V Ian Macdonald BoldyHw

All LD Fallen

All who we owe so much

Andrew Askey

Andrew Gaden

Andy Gaden

Andy Hallam

Andy Lea, Chris Chapman.

Andy Luders, Steve Cutler, Garry Pascoe, Mark Tomlinson, Don Baker

Andy Schofield

Andy Snutch, Adam Brown, Nigel Rowberry

Andy Uren, Mac Mcandrews,Rog Enefer.

Andy Woolmer William Edger

Andy, Sonya, Vince Fellows

Angus Harrison, Alan Rowberry

Anthony Batsford

Anthony Christopher Salmon

Anthony knight, Alison Parker

Antony Lewis

Arthur John Wyatt Si Cullingworth Luke Allsopp

Axle, Lenny, Duke, DAVO, moff

Barry Charles, Alan Charles

Barry Sadler RA

Barry Woodhead